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Same Sex Marriage and the Norm

The big story this week has been the President’s announcement that he support’s same sex marriages. The responses have, not surprisingly, taken us down that familiar road of arguing whether people are homosexual by choice or by genetics.

One local radio talk show personality made the argument that it is ridiculous to believe it is choice. The logic used in this argument was that if it was a choice the person could change their choice and could be changed. Going on, they argued, therefore If I could change someone from homosexual to heterosexual then it stands to reason I could do the inverse – change them from heterosexual to homosexual. Well, what’s to say you can’t?

No case was made to refute the idea that this would indeed be possible – it was just assumed that it was utterly ridiculous to imagine a person being convinced to change from heterosexual to homosexual. The logic used for this argument is awful, almost as bad as ‘If A equals B then B must equal C’. If one’s opinion is that homosexuality is a choice then by default the homosexual chose to change from heterosexual to homosexual. They were indeed convinced (by someone, by circumstances or some combination) to change . Whether you agree with the premise of choice or not, there is nothing in the talk show host’s argument that disallows the possibility to change – in either direction. If you do agree with the premise of choice you have to believe one can change in either direction.

The logic falls apart even further if we examine it deeper. The argument for genetics is that you either are attracted to people of the opposite sex or people of the same sex and it is determined by biology. The assumption that must hold true is that attraction is biological. But is that true? Is that what all of the evidence says?

The basis for this assumption and the reason it is so popular is that heterosexuals seem to be attracted to numerous people of the opposite sex – therefore it is driven, yes, determined by biology. That leads to another assumption, specifically, that this is the norm. I will certainly grant that if it can be established that it is indeed the norm for people (whether heterosexual or homosexual) to be attracted to many different people in a sexual manner the assumptions and ultimately the theory stand on much firmer ground. I am not convinced that this latter assumption has been established.

First, lets discuss the word norm. In many cases people will use the word norm to express what happens in most cases. But this is not an accurate description for this word. In America most people will refer to a soccer match as a soccer game, but it was meant to be referred to as a match. The actual norm is to call it a match. Calling it a game is a derivative or corruption from the norm – even though the vast majority call it a game.

Let us begin with the premise that there is a norm for attraction and that there are certainly corruptions or perversions of that norm. Another big story this week involves a 33 year old female teacher having a sexual relationship with an underage student. People are upset and outraged by this story. The teacher has been indicted for doing something illegal. Very few people do not see this as corrupted or perverted. It would not matter how many of these cases took place we would not see them as normal because normal in this case is not based on the number of incidents but rather on what we believe acceptable, an absolute right or wrong. Thoroughout society we do not believe that it is normal for a 33 year old teacher to be attracted to an underage boy.

While some cultures may differ as to whether a man should have one wife, or two or five for that matter, no culture believes a man should have as many and whatever woman he wants. We do not believe that is normal. If it is purely biological then why not? How does biology provide for a morality; a morality that on some level all people’s agree?

As Christians we believe that man was created a certain way. We then, through rebellion went astray. We believe there are all manner of consequences and effects of that history. As Christians we believe that God made man and he made a companion woman. What if this was the norm? What if when God created man the norm was for a man to be attracted to one woman and a woman to be attracted to one man? What if the fact that we certainly seem to be attracted to multiple people is a corruption or perversion of the norm? We can see other corruptions of our original state of creation – for example, we die.

There is evidence there is a norm and that it is built into us, for example our view that the unnatural attraction of a 33 year married woman to an underage boy is abnormal. Or the universally accepted morals that we live by providing limits. If it is true there is a norm and it is built into us and has simply become corrupted it blows up the assumptions that the genetics argument is built upon. It doesn’t just address the homosexual issue though. If it is true it means it is just as much a corruption of the norm to desire more than one person of the opposite sex as well. While it may be the norm in the sense that is common among people it does not mean it is the norm in relation to how we were made.

Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone

Man has gotten it so backwards. We spend the majority of our lives pursuing the ‘feeding’ of ourselves and our families. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in the work ethic, as admonished by the Apostle Paul when he wrote, “If a man is not willing to work, then let him not eat.” But I’m talking about something different here.

In Matthew chapter 4, verse 4 Jesus is in the wilderness and what we know as his time of temptation has started. Satan has just encouraged him to turn the stones around him into bread to address the certain intense hunger that was upon Jesus after having fasted. That verse reads like this; Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

Most of the time we read that and think, “well of course, we need the Word of God in our lives along with food and other things.” But is that all it says to us? How many of us are trying to live ‘on bread alone’, or at least something close to that? The bread here could extend to all of the temporal things in our lives, both material and non-material. And what about the second half of the statement? Jesus essentially says man is to live on, or find his life in every word that comes from the mouth of God. For it is the will of God that He commands that gives us life, both spiritual and physical. If we would but understand it we would realize that we could more have life without bread than we could by doing without the word that comes from the mouth of God. All things temporal no more provide life than you and I can breathe life into one of those very stones Satan refers to.

Consider this as well – Jesus is quoting a reference to Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 3. In that verse the children of Israel are being reminded how God had delivered them with the manna from heaven when they were hungry. God provided the manna from heaven to sustain the children of Israel by His will commanded. John Wesley says this about this reference, “By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God – That is, by whatever God commands to sustain him. Therefore it is not needful I should work a miracle to procure bread, without any intimation of my Father’s will.” (John Wesley’s Notes on the Bible). Just as the children of Israel were supplied by that which God commanded, Jesus, regardless of what power He had, would live the same way – to live by His Father’s will rather than His own.

Bringing it Home – Where it Belongs

I ran across this recently and had to reprint it for you.  It’s a brilliant spoof by Doug Phillips of vision Forum.

        “I have the privilege of worshiping in a small, family-integrated church. When asked about our various church programs, I explain that we are blessed with more than thirty different organizations to which our members belong – they are called families.  I further explain that we have more than sixty youth directors – they are called parents.  In fact, we have such a full schedule of events that there is a mandatory activity every day of the week – it is called family worship . . .
        With so much responsibility on their hands, our youth directors have to really get their collective acts together . . . They have to study God’s Word more than they have ever studied before so they can wisely lead their organization. They have to be creative so they can solve the diverse problems of their special interest groups.  They have to learn to be patient.  They have to learn to love.  They even have to reprioritize their lives.
        This last part is crucial.  Only by reprioritizing life, and structuring their organizations properly, will our youth directors be successful.  They know that.  They also know there is a price to pay.  But most of them are willing to pay the price, because they have decided that the greatest activity they can do in this life is to be a youth pastor and to run a special interest organization called the Christian family.
        Here is what we are discovering:  The more we commit to faithfully shepherding our mini-congregations, the more blessing we experience.  Moreover, the more we study what God’s Word says about these little congregations, the more we see the wonder and the brilliance of God’s plan of equipping the Church and transforming the entire culture through these often forgotten, twisted and even maligned organizations called Christian households.”1

1 – Douglas W. Phillips, “Our Church Youth Group” (San Antonio, TX:  Vision Forum Ministries, 2002)

Take God Off the List

Some years ago I participated in a course written by Don Wellman called “Dynamics of Discipling”.  I learned a great lesson during that course that has stuck with me and helped me for many years.

In a discussion regarding priorities in the Christian life Rev. Wellman had us all make a list of our priorities.  Everyone of us put God first on our list.  Then it varied some with the main subjects of family, church, job, etc.  We were all wrong.  We were then shown two things.  First, God does not belong on the list and second, the other things on the list vary as to what is the most important based on the circumstances.  I am going to focus on the first (although the second is a great lesson as well). 

A list of priorities designates what is most important, followed by what is second, and so on.  As Pastors of course we had to put God first on our list, even ahead of our families.  That made us all feel very spiritual.  Problem is, the thing which is first on your list is not absolute, meaning that although it is the most improtant it is not always what you are focusing on.  God, on the other hand should be an absolute to us as Christians.  Rather than be on the list, God should be the list that everything else is written on.  We should approach our family, our jobs, our church, and everything else from the perspective of God in our lives.  God should permeate our family as well as our jobs and our church. 

To put God on our list, even if in first place says that there are times, places and things where He is not involved.  As Christians we far too often segregate our lives.  We have have our God segment, our family segment, our church segment (sometimes confused with the God segment), our job segment, even our entertainment or hobbies and interests segments.  Granted many of them have some level of interaction with others.  For example it may be that our primary reason for working is to provide for our families. 

But as Christians our lives are to be more integrated, with God as that which permeates all parts.  We are not to be made up of a God part along with other parts such as a family part, a career part, etc.  Our relationship with God should not be something that gets turned on and off.  When I go home from my job I am pretty good at leaving it at work.  I can usually turn it on and off pretty well.  There is never a time to leave God anywhere.  He is to saturate all of our being and all of our doing.  Lets seek to integrate our lives fully into God.

Is there Really a Devil?

There is an oft-quoted line in the movie The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist.”

We live in a world that increasingly chooses not to acknowledge the existence of an enemy we have referred to as the Devil, Satan, etc. In contrast, the Bible clearly demonstrates his existence as well as his goals. Jesus acknowledged him and warned us of his deceptive ways.

An enemy who operates in the dark is a dangerous enemy indeed. Fortunately we have the Light.

Jesus is Lord

Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:3

Surely anyone can say the words “Jesus is Lord”. So what does Paul mean when he says that no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit?

Unfortunately words are becoming increasingly empty in society. Idle promises and outrageous statements are made with little or no consideration. It was not meant to be so.

Our words are to have meaning and impact. To recite the words Jesus is Lord takes no special unction of the Holy Spirit, but to live up to your words when you do so certainly does require the power of the Spirit.

Another important word here is the word, “Lord”. It means absolute authority. To state that Jesus is Lord is both a universal truth and a personal dedication and commitment. To claim Him as Lord is to acknowledge that He is above all in both creative origin and in power. It is also to submit to Him as the absolute authority in your life.

Without the power of the Holy Spirit no one can live such a claim. Our self-centeredness, our sinful nature will not allow such a claim, nor can it live up to such a claim. We must submit to the power of the Holy Spirit, always, in order to be able to truly say, “Jesus is Lord.”